
The special vestry of Nov. 25th 1953 accepted to pay two-fifths of the minimum stipend of $2,508,00 per year as suggested by the Bishop in his letter to the wardens of Abbotsford and Rougemont, thereby maintaining their Rectorial status.

A short period followed when the work in the parish was carried on by students. Mr. Wilmer Davidson served the parish as student-in-charge for a period.


In 1954, the Rev. P. Rollit was appointed as Priest in charge. Mr. Rollit remained in the parish until 1958.

An ashalt approach to the church was approved in 1954, as well as the donation of a new pulpit.

With the retirement of Rev. Rollit in 1958, discussions were held with the congregation at St.Pauls at Abbotsford on ways and means to pay the new minister at a much advanced stipend of $3,000,00, on a fifty-fifty basis.

Donations were given annually to the Diocesan College.


At the special meeting of the vestry on May 20th 1959, Rev. Mr.Elcombe announced that he had been asked by the Bishop to become priest in charge and was looking forward with pleasure to his work in the parish.

In 1961, a motion was passed to secure estimates on the cost of converting the upper room at the rear of the church into a class room for the Sunday School.

A new heating equipment was to be installed in the church at a price of $1,150,00 from Farquhar Robertson of Montreal, in 1961. In 1963, a vote was taken to install a fire hydrant in front of the church for the protection of the church and the parsonage.

Subscriptions to the Montreal Churchman for all parishioners were to be paid for from the funds of the Church.

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