

In the year 1940, the Reverend K. Brueton succeeded the Reverend Farrell, and remained in the parish for a period of nine years.

At the annual vestry meeting on January 15th 1942, a resolution was passed to abolish all pew rentals for this church. The present pew holders were to retain the right to the pews they now occupied.

The purchase of 15 new combined prayer and hymn books were approved by the vestry in 1945, at a cost 0f 90 cents each. The amount of $65.00 was accepted as the objective for the missionary budget for the year. The vestry was asked to complete a questionnaire relative to the decline in numbers of the English community in the Archdeaconery of Bedford.

In 1946, Rev. Brueton expressed his thanks to the parishioners for their cooperation during the difficult years of the war and in spite of their poor crops.


The Rev. J.H.M Brett arrived on September 1st 1949 from Hatley Quebec, and continued as rector until 1953.

At the vestry meeting in 1949, Mr. Brett declared himself well satisfied on finding the church properties in such good condition.

In 1950, the ceiling of the church was insulated; fire extinguishers were refilled and replaced as necessary.

In 1953, reference was made to average attendance at Sunday services was 25 people, relatively low for the 30 families in the community. It was suggested that a community centre would be beneficial to the church. The use of envelopes for givings to the church was suggested.

A letter from Bruce standish was received in which he resigned as Sexton. Discussion followed on how to meet the situation of heating the church. It was felt that the cost of setting up an automatic oil furnace would be too expensive and it was suggested that each family take on firing the furnace for a period of two Sundays. A remark was made with the present heating system, "we are either frozen out or gassed out".

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