

1st. Open Diapason may be used alone with the Stopped Bass.

2nd. Stopped Bass must always be drawn out.

3rd. Dulciana may be used alone with Stopped Bass.

4th. Principal never used alone unless all the rest are drawn.

Note well, before you begin to play:

  1. Be sure the right time is set.
  2. That the stops are drawn out you require
  3. Note: They must be quite out or in – not half-way.

  4. That the bellows be properly attended to – it is sesirable that the bellows pedal should be worked very steadily, not jerked and the weight kept between the marks Empty and Full.

The time may be given out ( or played over) with Dulciana and Stopped-Bass drawn.

1st. verse : all may be drawn.

2nd and 3rd : It may be found powerful enough with Principal shut in.

For last verse- all may be drawn'

All tunes are playable in 3 keys only; G,D and A.

Space did not allow the introduction of other pipes, such as D# to complete other scales. This barrel organ can then be considered as an intermediate type: not the highest priced, nor the cheapest of its class. The smaller type had only F# and C#, allowing only the scales of G and D.

The barrel organ was used to provide music for the early church. It was later replaced by a reed organ purchased by the Ladies Guild. The barrel organ continued to keep a place in the church but was seldom used. In 1945, the organ was stated to be in good order but had not been used for many years. It has played on special occasions, notably at the 125th anniversary.

In preparation for the 150th Anniversary of the church, some parts of the barrel organ have been replaced and the bellows renewed. It is still played on special occasions, is admired by visitors and holds a place of interest in the church.

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