

In 1852, Rev. F. Robinson was instrumental in starting an Endowment Fund at Rougemont. At a meeting of the vestry on April 26 1852, the Rev. Robinson stated to the meeting:

"That he had improved the occasion of the 3rd Jubilee of the Venerable Society for the propogation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, celebrated last year, being the 150th anniversary of that Society, by making a collection towards raising an endowment fund for this church; and that he had already received 10 pounds, including his own 2-10 and that 10-11 more had been promised by various parties and when the same shall have been paid in to his hands, he will place it upon interest until a favorable opportunity for investing it in land occur`".

At the same meeting, the wardens produced a letter, dated Nov. 14th 1851, from the Bishop of Montreal which was read to the meeting:

" Gentleman: In consequence of Mr. Johnson's resignation of the Mission of Abbotsford, I have appointed the Rev. F. Robinson as his successor. The allowance henceforth to be made for the Clergyman at Abbotsford by the "Society for the propogation of the Gospel" will, in consequence of the many and urgent claims on the funds, be much reduced being only 50 pounds per annum.

Up to the present time Mr. Robinson has served Rougemont without remuneration, and he is most anxious not to be obliged to resign it. As it will be mainfestly impossible for him to do the duty of both places and keep the necessary conveyances for travelling to and from without further assistance, I shall be glad to ask a small allowance from " the Society", on account of Rougemont; but before they will grant it, they will expect to know what may be expected to be raised annually by the people there, towards their minister's salary.

It can never be expected or intended that the income of our Clergy here should always continue to be paid entirely by subscriptions raised ( often by the weekly pence of cottagers) in England; and, as we are able, we ought to ne ready to make our offerings to God of our wordly means in return for Spiritual blessings.

I shall be obliged by your sending me word, what you can, reasonably expect in your Mission. I only wish what is just and right; and be assured that, as far as I am able, I shall always be most anxious to afford you every assistance in my power. I commend you and the church in your Mission to the Grace of God, and remain,. Gentleman,

Yours Faithfully,
F. Montreal"

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