
The labour expended was, for the most part, given gratuitously; as well most of the material was donated. First quality pine was donated for the construction. The church was built of Gothic design, measuring 50 ft. In length and 26 ft. Wide with a loft of 10 to 12 ft.

According to the records, Rev. Johnson worked untiringly on the building of the church ( History by Waterson):

" up early, down late, travelling hither and thither, over all kinds of roads and through inclement weather, ordering this, dispatching that, hauling something else required for the building".

The men of the community who aided in the manuel labours of the church building were:

Sias Bachelder, Daniel Bachelder, Samuel Brown, Thomas Brown, William Carden, John Carden, Enoch Dickey, John Downing, Richard Evans, George Mc Bride, Dr. Minckley ( St.Cesaire), Isaac Osborne, Welcome Osborne, Oliver Phelps, William Parson, John Sanders, M. Standish, John Robert Standish (brother to Robert M. Standish), Francis standish, Robert Standish, Peter Truax, John James Truax, Seth Warren and Charles Wilkins.

From a detailed list of donations of time and material, the following are some examples:

1000 ft. plank

5 ½ Days on water

1 ½ days of roof

½ day on rafters

1 ½ days of walls

½ day morticing church

2 packets shingles


4 days shingling

1000 ft. hemlock board

drawing 2 loads from Mohawk

drawing 1 load from

drawing 2 loads from Abbotsford


1 day levelling ground

2 days on sleepers

drawing 1 load of lime

1 day plastring

3 days aatending fires
cash for 2 notes of hand

1 day stacking lumber in
old house

10 days lathing

drawing 2 loads sand

3 days mixing mortar

drawing boards from old

2 barriques lime


1 day use of oxen

¼ day putting up brick

½ day ditch in front

1 load lime Yamaska

The donations of time and material were given a monetary value and a total was credited to each individual.

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