

St.Thomas' Anglican Church has stood in Rougemont for nearly 150 years. We know some of its past history, of its founders and of the people who helped to maintain this presence of a building, dedicated to God and to the glory of His works.

What is the future of our church?

Our ourfathers believed in 1840 that a church was a necessary part of their existence. They contributed, by hard work and money earned with difficulty, to the erection of a church that has stood with pride these past 150 years. What value do we, in1990, put on the continuing of a religious tradition, that of attending church and of maintaining a church building for services and for a meeting place with our God?

How do we measure the effect of a church on a community, on its people?

In the 1990's, most projects and undertaking need to be evaluated to justify their existence and the allocation of financial and material resources. What will the generations who follow us, think of our decisions regarding our religious obligations and decisions as we decide our priorities?


Can we do less than our forefathers?

© 2021 Tous droits réservés. Société d'histoire et de généalogie des Quatre Lieux.