



In the early part of the year 1848, the Rev. Frederick Robinson, M.A., became assistant minister to the Rev. Mr. Johnson. Shotly afterwards Mr. Johnson retired, to be called to the higher life later on.

In the latter part of 1848, Mr. Robinson became Incumbent of Rougemont and Abbotsford together. He continued faithfully to minister to the spiritual and temporal needs of Rougemont for over 30 years.

In 1849, the chuerch building at Rougemont was insured in the St. Lawrence Insurance Company for a value of two hundred pounds. The church wardens were authorized to have the windows painted and to pay for the same out of the funds in their hands. Renting of pews seemed to be a major source of revenue and occupied an important place in each vestry agenda.

In 1850, accounts were paid for the erection of the spire and for the purchase of the bell. A valuable communion service for the use of the church was donated by Rev. J.P White of Chambly. Grateful thanks were expressed to Joseph Drake, Esq. For valuable services rendered in the erection of the church. Pews were rented at 5 shillings each and it was voted that a collection be made by the wardens at every service towards liquidating the existing and current claims against the vestry. The wardens were empowered to purchase a stove and pipes, previousley supplied by Rev. Johnson and Mr. J.M Standish, the amount to be secured by a note.

In 1852, in reply to a circular letter from the Lord Bishop of Montreal to elect two delegates for a Conference in Montreal on January 22nd, Mr. John M. Standish and Mr. Crossfield were chosen.

A letter from the Bishop announced that Rougemont would be expected to raise money annually for the minister's salary. The wardens fels that they could make an allowance of 15 pounds per annum from the pew rents, for which the Bishop was highley pleased.

Rev. Robinson was instrumental in starting an Endowment fund and first mention of his efforts were mentioned in the minutes of the annual vestry meeting of 1852. The details of the Endowment Fund are discussed in a separate chapter.

In 1856, Sias Bachelder was elected delegate to represent the congregation of the church at a meeting of the clergy and Lay delegates to be held in Montreal on January

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